Have You Got Tired of Being Unhappy Because of Cigarettes?

Happy nonsmokers

Li.O.N.S. Institute of Southern Europe has conducted a research about how desire to be Happy impact the decision to get rid of nicotine addiction, we asked: “Have you got tires of being unhappy because of cigarettes”, and we got some exciting answers! 

Happy nonsmokers


So glad I quit Too! When all I did was cough. I am happy now that I quit 22 months ago!


I say that to my wife, aren’t you so happy we don’t smoke!! It’s awesome


I really hated everything about smoking by the time I quit. So yes that’s why I quit.


Yes I am unhappy non smoker I smoked about 35 years now I am complaining my fifth month with out smoke


Yes I did ! One year quit and beat decision I made !



Yes and it was just 1 of the many reasons I quit. Going on 9 mth


No I quit to end stuff like that


Yes I did it’s why I quit I’ve been smoke free for 51/2 months and I’m so happy with my life


Yes I did. It is why I quit


Yes!!! That is why I quit. Happy and proud of myself.


I’m unhappy I quit every week. Wish I could make it stick


I’m happy now that I’ve quit smoking

Laura A 

Quit smoking and let the happiness and healing begin

Stopping smoking is portrayed as something that you have to do as punishment, at The Li.O.N.S. Institute of Southern Europe we believe that every challenge you face in life is an opportunity to grow and bring to light your potential, while becaming a happy non smoker!

That is why we invite you to take this opportunity to grab your slot in the calendar and get your free guidance now! Follow this link!